+27 (0)71 316 7555 admin@axiomtraining.co.za
Leadership Triads

Leadership Triads

John Maxwell says “Everything rises and falls on leadership”.  What a thought, what a statement.  When we look around our world today we see how true this is.  When there is good leadership, so much good happens.  When leadership is poor, weak or arrogant...
Business Leadership Dream Team

Business Leadership Dream Team

I often get asked, “what is the ideal makeup of a leadership team to have the greatest chance for success”.  Now obviously there are a myriad of answers to this question, with just as many variables.  I do however have a few key thoughts on this as...
High Performance Teams – Leadership Triad

High Performance Teams – Leadership Triad

It has always been my passion to watch and see how teams function.  I automatically attempt to identify their core strengths, underlying weaknesses, possible opportunities and hidden pitfalls. It’s simply how I think, as I have long understood the value of the...
7 Selling Principles For Your Sales Team

7 Selling Principles For Your Sales Team

Working with both corporates and companies large and small all around the world, I’ve come to realise the vital key of a motivated, goal directed and well trained sales team.  Sales is the tip of the spear of business.  I have seen inferior products outsell...
The 4 Pillars of Leadership

The 4 Pillars of Leadership

In a recent survey 86 % of people interviewed felt that there was currently an international crisis of leadership. Leadership is no longer inspirational but polarising, people are being divided into angry camps by the rhetoric of high profile leaders seeking greater...