Leadership Triads
John Maxwell says "Everything rises and falls on leadership". What a thought, what a statement. ...
Business Leadership Dream Team
It is vital that any leadership team carries the same non negotiables in terms of ethos and values. This is more about how you think as a team, than what you do. Often you will hear leaders say, “we are not all ON THE SAME PAGE”. This simply means that there is varied and conflicting thinking that is hampering the progress of the team. This left undealt with can lead to many far more serious issues.
High Performance Teams – Leadership Triad
High Performance Teams – Leadership Triad Axiom Training and Consulting
Bite Sized Business Thoughts
THOUGHT 1 Your number 1 business resource is your staff. Treat them with the respect and care...
7 Selling Principles For Your Sales Team
Working with both corporates and companies large and small all around the world, I’ve come to realise the vital key of a motivated, goal directed and well trained sales team. Sales is the tip of the spear of business. I have seen inferior products outsell their superior counterparts simply due to a better, more organised, strategic sales team. Developing and growing this team is vital. Keeping the team motivated and engaged is critical
The 4 Pillars of Leadership
In a recent survey 86 % of people interviewed felt that there was currently an international...